Sunday, July 27, 2008

Michigan Trip Last week

We had such an encouraging time in Michigan! We were able to keep a "Lazaros Marathon" Schedule! We had great opportunities to share with many groups what we are doing @ MMS, and how things are going. It was great to re-connect with many of our friends and family. It was so good hanging out with all of you!

Last Thursday and Friday the Kodiak airplane was here at MMS for a visit. The hangar was buzzing with visitors and press. I (Scott)had the wonderful opportunity to go up in the Kodiak and actually log time flying it. The Kodiak is a single engine Turbo Prop airplane that was disigned with Missions in mind. The Kodiak will be a replacement to many aging aircraft in missions, and an answer to the great expense and shortage of Avgas around the world. Check out their site.

Check out the pictures on our picture site of the Kodiak. Click on our pictures link at the side.

I had the wonderful opportunity to spend the weekend at "Camp Wagner" with a group of young men who are in a "Way of the Wild Heart" mentor group. Josh Adelsberger and I led the campout. The boys had a great time swimming, and eating hot dogs. We all went exploring through the woods and had opportunities to talk about our faith and encourage each other.

Tomorrow I will be starting with a new team leader. Mike Dunkley. I have been with Ian Hengst for the last seven months. I have grown under Ians leadership.

1 comment:

Steve Ottaviano said...

Scott, nice blog. I missed the MMS event. Take at look at, my two bits on the Kodiak an other planes at JAARS.

Steve Ottaviano