Tuesday, February 10, 2009

A Beautiful Picture of Mt. Redoubt

I went to a Ladies Cafe last night at Soldotna Bible Chapel with one of the MARC wives and we made origami boxes out of fabric. It was very fun. We listened to a lady give her testimony and I found it to be very encouraging.

Scott is working on the Navajo Piper that he worked on when he was in last May. They are hoping to get it ready for the engines to be installed before we leave. This is the plane that landed gear up. He is enjoying it very much.

It is -14 this morning. The sky is a beautiful blue and the sun is shining. I just love waking up and watching the sun come up and building the fire for the day, marveling at God's wonderful creation. My mom called me yesterday and laughed at me when I told her I was stoking the fire. She said she thought it was funny how God was teaching me different things. She said that God was teaching me to live in the country and doing without (high speed internet, close to stores, t.v., etc.) and now he was teaching me how to stay warm with fires. She said it reminded her of her life growing up. LOL

Well, I just wanted to say good morning and let you all know that all is still good here in Alaska. They are still monitoring Mt. Redoubt and tell us that the activity level has increased and show pictures of the steam coming out of it but that must be from the other side of the opening because we can't see the steam from this side.

God bless you all and until next time...

Lela and boyz~

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