Thursday, January 29, 2009

Thursday, January 29, 2009

Greetings from Snowy Alaska!!

We have been watching this beautiful snow fall for 2 days now and the flakes just keep getting bigger and bigger. It is so pretty to watch. The trees are full and the ground looks so soft and fluffy. The boys are having a great time playing in it. The temp today is about 19 degrees and the wind is calm.

The Mt. Redoubt condition is about the same. Actually, the level went from yellow to orange and you can follow it on this web site.
It is still on the news a lot and they are telling us to get supplies in case. They say it could erupt any day or in the next few weeks. So, we don't know. They have it under 24/7 watch.

We took the boys to youth last night and they really enjoyed it. They asked Shaughn to come to worship practice next week, he is pretty excited. Matthew and Shaughn are planning on going to a Super Bowl Party with the youth and the rest of us are going to Len & Cozene's house, they the director of MARC, for a Super Bowl Party.

Scott and I went to Steve & Bev McKinley's house last night for dinner. They are the State Directors for CEF Ministries here in Alaska. We had delicious Halibut for dinner and a great time of fellowship afterwards. What a neat family.

Scott had to shovel his way out of the garage this morning. What a fun experience. He did not put that into his time frame of getting ready and so was a few minutes late for work. ooopppss. :-)

Scott came home for lunch on Tuesday and the boys and I took him back to work so we would have a vehicle to run errands with. We went to the post office and found our first pieces of mail from a real person...that is the best kind :-), and then we decided to go to the library and see if we could get a library card. She said we needed to have a piece of mail that had been addressed and delivered to us within the last 3 weeks...I said we have a Valentine's Day card that was sent to us, she said that would work along with a photo id. So, the boys and I all have library cards for Soldotna, Alaska. Matthew said, "wow, now I have 3 for 3 different states". :-) I told him we all did. LOL

The boys and I are going swimming tomorrow with another MARC family to an indoor pool. We were going to go today but changed it until tomorrow. I will have to take Scott to work in the morning so I can use the vehicle for the day. :-)

Saturday we are suppose to watch a dog race at 11 a.m. and there is also something else going on at the sport center for families with all kinds of crafts for kids to do and other fun things. They also have ice sculptures carved out and will be putting them all over town. That is fun to look for. Saturday evening we have been invited to a CEF training time and dinner. We are all looking forward to that. They play games and different stuff so it will be cool to check out.

Matthew is going out to snow blow the driveway. He is all bundled up and loving the boot cleats that everyone uses up here. I must agree, I love them too. Scott bought me a set and they really do let you walk on ice without falling.

Sorry if any of this is doubled in a previous post. I can't remember what I put on here and/or on facebook. :-) Scott has us an Skype account now too. We are having fun talking to different ones via different ways: emails, texting, facebook, facebook IMing, Skype (still learning this one) :-), phone. It has all been fun but after a while, I can't remember who I told what to. :-)

Scott's mom's surgery went well. The surgery was more intense than was expected but she came through very well. She still needs your prayers for healing and for her other knee that has to have the same surgery once this one heals.

Bless you all and we love hearing from you!! Stay warm!!

Lela and boyz~

1 comment:

Terry and Margaret Vanover said...

Margaret and I are really enjoying
your blog. What a neat way to keep up with family long distance.
Margaret talked to your mother yesterday and she did not know about the valcona. Your blog makes me feel almost like we are there.
I like your blog so much that we started one as well.
God bless you and we will continue our prayers.
Terry & Margaret